Magic Potion Isopods

Magic Potion Isopods


Our Magic Potion Isopods are the perfect option if you’re seeking for a special and vibrant addition to your vivarium or terrarium! These tiny critters have a number of advantages for your enclosure in addition to being visually appealing.

The scientific name for the unusual and vibrant Magic Potion Isopods is Porcellio ornatus. Because of their eye-catching colours and patterns, these isopods are widely sought after by collectors and hobbyists. Some of the main characteristics of Magic Potion Isopods are as follows:

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Our Magic Potion Isopods are the perfect option if you’re seeking for a special and vibrant addition to your vivarium or terrarium! These tiny critters have a number of advantages for your enclosure in addition to being visually appealing.

The scientific name for the unusual and vibrant Magic Potion Isopods is Porcellio ornatus. Because of their eye-catching colours and patterns, these isopods are widely sought after by collectors and hobbyists. Some of the main characteristics of Magic Potion Isopods are as follows:

Magic Potion coloration Isopods stand out from other isopod species thanks to their striking colour. They have a fantastic appearance due to their black base colour and vivid white or yellow dots.

Magical Potion Size Isopods are little, with adults reaching lengths of only about 1 cm. They may be kept in groups without any problems and are perfect for tiny terrariums and vivariums.

Reproduction: These isopods have a rapid reproductive rate and can quickly produce a huge number of young. They are therefore perfect for people who desire to raise and breed their own isopod colony.

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Magic Potion Isopods can survive in a range of environments and are comparatively easy to care for. They don’t require any additional lighting or heating, just a damp, humid environment.

Magic Potion Isopods are wonderful for terrariums and vivariums since they assist in the breakdown of organic debris and the maintenance of a balanced ecology. They are known to eat dead insects, decomposing plant materials, and other organic waste, which keeps the environment hygienic and clean.

Watching Magic Potion is fascinating. Isopods are fascinating to observe and can keep collectors and enthusiasts amused for hours. Being gregarious and active animals, they frequently climb on rocks, leaves, and other items in their habitat.

Magic Potion isopods are perfect for novice collectors because they require little maintenance. The following advice will help you take good care of these amazing creatures:

Housing: As long as it offers Magic Potion isopods a warm, humid habitat, they can be kept in any kind of terrarium. Magic Potion isopods can live in a small colony in a 10-gallon tank.

Give a moisture-retaining substrate, like coconut coir or sphagnum moss. This will assist in keeping their enclosure at the proper humidity levels.

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Isopods that make magic potions thrive in warm, humid environments. Keep the temperature between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and aim for an 80% humidity level.

Being detritivores, Magic Potion isopods consume decomposing organic materials as food. A range of meals, including fruits, vegetables, and decomposing leaves, can be used to feed them.

Water: Isopods require access to clean water for drinking and bathing. To avoid the development of dangerous bacteria, a small dish of water should be provided in their enclosure and changed on a regular basis.

Cleaning: As isopods produce waste, it’s crucial to periodically clean their habitat. To keep their enclosure clean and hygienic, remove any leftover food, waste, and other garbage.

Breeding: In captivity, Magic Potion isopods reproduce easily. For them to breed, be careful to give them lots of places to hide and food. To avoid cannibalism, keep the young animals apart from the adults as soon as they hatch.

You can maintain the health and happiness of your Magic Potion isopods by following these basic care instructions.

Due to their many advantages, Magic Potion isopods are a favourite among reptile and amphibian keepers. Here are a few advantages:

Scavengers and clean-up crews by nature: Magic Potion isopods are scavengers and clean-up crews by nature. By eating extra food, waste, and dead plant matter, they contribute to keeping the terrarium clean. As a result, they facilitate a better environment for your reptiles or amphibians by reducing the growth of hazardous bacteria and fungi in the terrarium.

Cycling of nutrients: Magic Potion isopods assist in the terrarium’s nutrient recycling. They eat organic matter and emit waste that is nutrient-rich and can be utilised as a natural fertiliser for the terrarium plants.

Pest management: Magic Potion isopods can aid in the management of terrarium pests. They eat tiny insects, mites, and other arthropods that could hurt your amphibians or reptiles.

Minimal maintenance: Magic Potion isopods are simple to look after and need very little upkeep. They don’t need special lighting, feeding, or watering. They can be housed in a number of substrates, including soil, coconut coir, and sphagnum moss, and they need a damp, humid climate.

Magic Potion isopods are an artistically beautiful addition to any terrarium because of their wide range of colours and patterns. They can enrich the ecosystem of your terrarium with diversity and visual intrigue.

A great addition to your collection of reptile and amphibian pets, Magic Potion isopods can offer natural cleaning, nutrition cycling, pest control, low maintenance, and aesthetic benefits to your terrarium.


10ct., 25ct., 50ct.

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