Discover the North American Wood Turtle
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Discover the North American Wood Turtle

Original price was: $280.00.Current price is: $275.00.

Learn more about the sadly endangered North American Wood Turtle, a rare and fascinating species of turtle. Learn about their environment, diet, personality, and how to take care of them as pets.

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A fascinating species of turtle native to eastern North America and Canada is the North American Wood Turtle, or Glyptemys insculpta. They are renowned for both their distinctive and lovely shell designs and their kind and inquisitive dispositions. Sadly, habitat degradation and overfishing have led to the endangered status of this species.


A medium-sized turtle, the North American wood turtle can grow up to 8 inches in length as an adult. They feature an eye-catching, flattened shell that is decorated with black, orange, and yellow stripes. Bright hues like yellow, orange, and red are also used to mark the turtle’s head, legs, and tail.

The plastron, or lower shell, of the North American Wood Turtle, features a special hinge that enables it to entirely close its shell for protection. The majority of other turtle species lack this trait.


The eastern United States and Canada, including areas of Maine, Vermont, New York, and Pennsylvania, are home to the North American Wood Turtle in the wild. They favor living in forested settings close to rivers, streams, and wetlands. In order to avoid the cold, they have also been observed to hibernate throughout the winter.


The North American Wood Turtle is an omnivore that eats both plants and animals in the wild. Along with fruits and vegetables, their food may also consist of insects, worms, snails, and small fish. They ought to be given a balanced diet as pets, one that contains both animal and plant-based items.


Being a diurnal species, the North American Wood Turtle is most active during the day. They make wonderful companions for knowledgeable turtle owners because of their kind and inquisitive natures. But in order to develop, they need a sizable amount of room and a tightly regulated environment.

North American wood turtles should live outside in a habitat that has access to both water and land as pets. Sand or a mixture of sand and dirt works well for them since they need a base that is dry and well-draining. It’s crucial to give them access to a small water dish so they may drink and soak.


The upkeep of a North American Wood Turtle necessitates a tremendous level of expertise and dedication. They need an ecosystem that is carefully regulated, with access to both water and land areas, as well as lots of cover and hiding places. A balanced diet that includes both animal- and plant-based meals should be given to them.

Before purchasing a North American wood turtle as a pet, it is crucial to take the long-term commitment into account. As a result of their potential for health issues including respiratory infections and shell rot, it’s crucial to give them routine veterinarian treatment and a clean, hygienic environment.


Due to habitat loss and overfishing, the distinctive and interesting North American Wood Turtle is tragically a threatened species. They are challenging to care for as pets, but for those who are prepared to put in the work, they can be wonderful and satisfying companions. We invite you to look through our materials and join our community of ethical and compassionate pet owners if you have an interest in learning more about the North American wood turtle or are thinking about getting one as a pet.

Care: The upkeep of a North American Wood Turtle necessitates a tremendous level of expertise and dedication. These turtles are sophisticated creatures that need a strictly controlled environment to survive. You may take care of your North American wood turtle by following this advice:

North American wood turtles need a sizable outdoor habitat with access to both water and land regions for housing. The enclosure must be a minimum of 4 feet by 4 feet in size and 2 feet deep. Sand or a mixture of sand and dirt should be used as the substrate because they are dry and well-draining. It’s crucial to provide them with lots of cover and shade.

Temperature: North American Wood Turtles need both a warm location for basking (about 90 degrees Fahrenheit) and a colder area (around 75 degrees Fahrenheit). It’s crucial to keep an eye on the enclosure’s temperature and adjust it as needed to keep it within the right temperature range.

Diet: In the wild, wood from North America As omnivores, turtles consume a variety of plants and animals. They ought to be given a balanced diet as pets, one that contains both animal and plant-based items. Fruits, vegetables, and live or frozen insects can be added to commercial turtle food as a supplement.

Water: To drink and soak, North American wood turtles need access to clean, fresh water. It’s critical to give them access to a shallow water dish that is big enough for them to soak in but not too deep that they can’t reach the bottom.

Health: Respiratory infections and shell rot are two conditions that North American wood turtles are susceptible to. It’s critical to give them routine veterinarian treatment and a tidy, sanitary environment. Every day, remove food that hasn’t been consumed and pet waste from their enclosure.

North American wood turtles do not particularly like to be handled. To minimize stress and help the turtle feel comfortable and secure in its enclosure, handling should be kept to a minimum.

In summary, taking care of a North American Wood Turtle needs substantial expertise and dedication. Before purchasing one of these turtles as a pet, it is crucial to take the long-term commitment into account. Your North American Wood Turtle can grow and live a long, healthy life if you provide it with a carefully managed environment, a balanced diet, and regular veterinarian treatment.

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