Armadillidium Peraccae Isopods

Armadillidium Peraccae Isopods


Isopods from the genus Armadillidium Peraccae are adorable little organisms that are gaining popularity among vivarium hobbyists. Little crustaceans known as isopods, sometimes known as “Spanish Porcellio” or “Powder Blue Isopods,” are native to Spain and Portugal.

We will go through the characteristics, maintenance requirements, and advantages of these adorable tiny critters in this product description.

Isopods from the genus Armadillidium Peraccae, sometimes referred to as “Powder Orange” or “Powder Orange Dalmatian” isopods, are tiny crustaceans with hard shells.

They are well-liked by reptile and invertebrate keepers since they may use them as a natural cleaning crew for their enclosures or as a source of food for their pets. The following are some of the main characteristics of Armadillidium Peraccae isopods:

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Armadillidium Peraccae Isopods from the genus Armadillidium Peraccae are adorable little organisms that are gaining popularity among vivarium hobbyists.

Little crustaceans known as isopods, sometimes known as “Spanish Porcellio” or “Powder Blue Isopods,” are native to Spain and Portugal. We will go through the characteristics, maintenance requirements, and advantages of these adorable tiny critters in this product description.

Isopods from the genus Armadillidium Peraccae, sometimes referred to as “Powder Orange” or “Powder Orange Dalmatian” isopods, are tiny crustaceans with hard shells.

They are well-liked by reptile and invertebrate keepers since they may use them as a natural cleaning crew for their enclosures or as a source of food for their pets. The following are some of the main characteristics of Armadillidium Peraccae isopods:

Size: Armadillidium Peraccae isopods can reach a maximum length of 18mm, which is rather modest.

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These isopods are known as “Powder Orange Dalmatian” because of their distinctive powder orange colour and white markings.

They can curl up into their segmented, rigid shells for protection when they feel threatened.

Isopods of the Armadillidium Peraccae species are gregarious creatures that do best in groups. They are most active at night, when they scavenge for food and remove decaying materials from their surroundings.

Reproduction: Although these isopods only live for around two years, they can procreate swiftly. Up to 24 eggs, which hatch after about a month, can be carried by females.

Feeding: Being detritivores, Armadillidium Peraccae isopods consume decaying organic debris such as leaf litter, wood, and dung. Also, it is known that they consume small insects and their larvae.

These isopods need an environment that is moist and humid with lots of hiding places, like leaf litter, bark, and rocks. They prefer temperatures between 70 and 80 °F with a relative humidity between 70 and 80%.

As they require little maintenance, Armadillidium Peraccae isopods are a great choice for beginners who want to keep an isopod colony. Following are some general care recommendations:

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Housing: Isopods of the genus Armadillidium Peraccae can be kept in a range of enclosures, including glass tanks or plastic containers. To stop mould from growing, it’s crucial to supply enough moisture and ventilation. Options for substrates include coconut fibre, sphagnum moss, or a combination of the two.

Armadillidium Peraccae isopods prefer relative humidity levels of 70–80% and temperatures of 70–80°F. The temperature can be controlled with a heat mat, and sprinkling the cage with water can assist keep the humidity levels at the right range.

Diet: Being detritivores, Armadillidium Peraccae isopods consume decomposing organic waste. They can be given a variety of meals in captivity, including rotting leaves, fruits, and vegetables. They can also increase their calcium intake to aid in the development of a healthy exoskeleton.

Cleaning: The isopod species Armadillidium Peraccae are well known for their contribution to the breakdown and decomposition of organic matter.

To avoid the growth of dangerous bacteria in the enclosure, it’s crucial to remove any leftover food or waste. Every six to twelve months, update the substrate and spot clean it frequently.

Isopods of the genus Armadillidium Peraccae are gregarious organisms that prosper in communities. They can reproduce quickly, so you should keep an eye on the size of your colony and make any necessary adjustments.

You can make sure your Armadillidium Peraccae isopods are healthy and content in their new home by adhering to these care instructions.

Isopods from the genus Armadillidium peraccae make fascinating and useful pets. The following are some advantages of owning these isopods:

Natural Cleaners: Armadillidium peraccae isopods are natural cleaners that can help keep your terrarium clean and healthy. They consume garbage and rotting stuff to keep the enclosure free of poisons and hazardous germs.

These isopods also aid in the aeration of the terrarium’s soil. They dig into the ground, leaving behind channels and tunnels that enhance water and air retention. For plants and other animals in the enclosure, this results in a better habitat.

Armadillidium peraccae isopods have a reputation for being able to cycle nutrients. When they consume decaying debris, they reduce it into smaller particles that plants and other terrarium inhabitants may absorb more readily.

Easy to Maintain: Armadillidium peraccae isopods don’t take a lot of upkeep and are comparatively simple to maintain. They flourish in an environment that is humid and provides them with access to decomposing organic waste, such as leaf litter and wood chips.

Interesting to Watch: As they move about and engage with their surroundings, these isopods are enthralling to watch. They offer intrigue to any terrarium because of their distinctive habits and movements.

The remarkable patterns and colours of Armadillidium peraccae isopods lend them an aesthetic appeal as well. These isopods’ distinctive appearance might offer a fascinating aspect to your terrarium.

Isopods from the genus Armadillidium peraccae are an all-around useful and fascinating addition to any terrarium. They provide natural cleansing, soil aeration, nutrient cycling, simple maintenance, amusing observation, and attractive appearance.


10ct., 25ct., 50ct.

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