Sunfire Bearded Dragon
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Sunfire Bearded Dragon

Original price was: $399.99.Current price is: $349.99.

Are you looking for a unique and colorful reptile to add to your collection? Look no further than the Sunfire Bearded Dragon. With its vibrant orange and yellow coloration and active personality, this lizard makes for an exciting and eye-catching pet. In this product description, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about the Sunfire Bearded Dragon, from their appearance to their temperament to their care requirements.


Are you looking for a unique and colorful reptile to add to your collection? Look no further than the Sunfire Bearded Dragon. With its vibrant orange and yellow coloration and active personality, this lizard makes for an exciting and eye-catching pet. In this product description, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about the Sunfire Bearded Dragon, from their appearance to their temperament to their care requirements.


Sunfire bearded dragons are a beautiful and unique breed of lizard that can grow up to 18-22 inches in length. They have a distinctive look, with bright orange or yellow scales and a fiery, almost iridescent sheen. Their scales are smooth and shiny, and their overall appearance is quite striking. Sunfires have triangular-shaped head and stocky, muscular body that gives them a powerful appearance. They also have sharp claws and a long, muscular tail that they can use to grip onto surfaces or defend themselves against predators.

One of the most notable features of Sunfire bearded dragons is their vibrant coloration. Their bright orange or yellow scales are accented by bold patterns of black or dark brown, which give them a striking and distinctive appearance. As they age, their coloration can deepen or become more muted, but they generally retain their bold and eye-catching look. Sunfires also have a unique eye color, which can range from a bright red to a rich, amber hue.

Overall, Sunfire bearded dragons are a visually stunning and impressive species, with a distinct and eye-catching appearance that makes them a popular choice among reptile enthusiasts.

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Sunfire bearded dragons have a generally calm and docile temperament, which makes them a great choice for beginner reptile keepers. They are known to be very social creatures and enjoy interacting with their owners, often becoming quite friendly and affectionate with regular handling.

These lizards are also very intelligent and curious and enjoy exploring their environment and interacting with new objects and people. They are not typically aggressive, and will usually only become defensive if they feel threatened or cornered. However, it’s important to note that like all reptiles, Sunfire bearded dragons have specific care requirements and can become stressed or agitated if their needs are not met.

With proper handling and care, Sunfire bearded dragons can become quite tame and friendly with their owners. They are known to enjoy being handled and will often climb onto their owner’s hand or shoulder to bask in the warmth and attention. However, it’s important to handle them with care, as they have sharp claws and teeth that can cause injury if they feel threatened or uncomfortable.

Overall, Sunfire bearded dragons are known for their friendly and sociable nature and can make great pets for both experienced and novice reptile keepers. With proper care and handling, they can become cherished members of the family for many years to come.

Easy Care

Sunfire bearded dragons are generally easy to care for, but they do require specific conditions in order to thrive. Here are some important care tips to keep in mind:

Habitat: Sunfire bearded dragons require a spacious terrarium with plenty of room to move around and bask. A 40-gallon tank is generally recommended for a single adult, with larger tanks needed for multiple lizards. The tank should have a secure lid and be outfitted with a heat source, UVB lighting, and a substrate that allows for easy cleaning.

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Temperature and Lighting: Sunfire bearded dragons require a warm environment to regulate their body temperature, with a basking spot that reaches 95-105°F during the day and a cooler side of the tank that stays between 75-85°F. They also require UVB lighting for 10-12 hours a day to help them absorb calcium and maintain healthy bones.

Diet: Sunfire bearded dragons are omnivores and require a balanced diet that includes both insects and vegetables. Crickets, mealworms, and dubia roaches are good sources of protein, while leafy greens and other vegetables should make up the majority of their diet. Adult bearded dragons should be fed once a day, while juveniles may require two feedings per day.

Hydration: Bearded dragons require access to fresh, clean water at all times, which can be provided through a shallow dish or a dripper system. They may also benefit from occasional misting to help maintain proper hydration levels.

Handling: Sunfire bearded dragons can be handled regularly, but it’s important to do so gently and with care. They may be sensitive to changes in temperature or environment, so it’s important to keep handling sessions brief and avoid sudden movements or loud noises that could startle them.

With proper care and attention, Sunfire bearded dragons can thrive in captivity and make wonderful pets for reptile enthusiasts of all experience levels. By providing them with a comfortable and stimulating environment, a balanced diet, and regular handling, you can help ensure that your Sunfire bearded dragon lives a happy and healthy life.

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